
Now if the vegetarian category is surfed withthe increasing number of vegetarians around the globe vegetarian food hasbecome very popular, Indian and the Buddhist vegetarian food is quite famous inthis category. With such growthin the number of vegetable restaurants nowthere will be a veg restaurant across every street. Micro-organisms have been used for fermentation andproducing good food from ancient times, for example pickles, breads, sausagesare all fermentation based foods. Vegetarian Restaurants As the popularity of the vegetarian food hasincreased in a past few years and many people are now switching tovegetarianism, there has been an increase in the number of vegetarian restaurants too. There has beenheavy increase in the vegetarian restaurants since 2007.  Source: Free Articles from ArticlesFactory .

Traditional isan evergreen taste for everyone, there is no like or dislike for this it alwaysa yes for traditional dishes. About 50% vegetarianrestaurants have increased from 2007 – 2010, thereare now 30 top-class restaurant chains which are vegetarian. These diets contain 30-80% fats and 4-5 times more vitaminsand minerals than an average American diet. Also many of the regional dishesuse fermented foods. Also many non-vegetarian food chainslike the Mc Donald’s and KFC has started vegetarian meals too. It is also important to have it becauseall the countries are well separated by nature that is by the climate, thelandscapes and thus the people have different resources and requirements fortheir body to sustain the surroundings there.People always have been fond of trying various typesof food. Characteristics of traditional foods Most of these traditional cuisines and desserts area lot healthier.

As healthy, well built peoplehave always been there all around the world, we can say that these differenttraditions are evolved as per the needs of the human body and also theavailability of resources in a particular region. Mostly the vegetarian food consists of dairy products, spicesand herbs, fruits, vegetables etc. Such diets mostly contain fatsoluble vitamins and proteins from animals. Also it is quite beneficial since it improvesthe nutritional level of the food along with this it also increases thedigestibility and taste of the food. The restaurants today contain a variety menu including mostlycontinental food, Chinese, Mexican, Italian, but there is always a column forthe traditional food. Traditional cuisines and desserts Traditional cuisines can basically be considered intwo types the non vegetarian and the vegetarian, non vegetarian Indian cuisinesare quite famous as for they are pretty spicy and taste real good like thetandoori chicken, chicken biryani, whereas traditional Austrian non vegappetizers like the Austrian lobster cocktail are well known also most of theAustrian cheese is non veg too. which makes it healthy for the consumer. Importance of traditional diets All countries have their own different ways ofliving and so include its food habits

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